
Chandigarh State AIDS Control Society (CSACS) was registered in 1998 for implementing National AIDS Control Programme. NACP is a 100% centrally sponsored project. Secretary Health, UT Chandigarh is the Chairman of the Society, Project Director is the technical head assisted by Deputy Directors, Assistant Directors, other officers and supporting staff.

During NACP I (1992-1999) the stress was on awareness generation among the general population and high risk population. In NACP II (1999-2006) main focus was targeted interventions for HRGs along with awareness increase in awareness among general population and high risk population. It also included strengthening and expansion of VCTC, Blood Bank, PPTCT and PEP services etc.

The particulars of facilities available to citizens for obtaining information including the working hours of a library or reading room, if maintained for public use.
Information is provided to visitor during working hours of CSACS and also through telephone, emails.
(Open 24X7, in 3 languages Hindi, Punjabi, English)
E-mail id of CSACS:- chandigarhsacs@gmail.com