Youth Affairs
Red Ribbon Club (RRC)
Red Ribbon Club is a voluntary on-campus intervention programme for students in
educational institutions. It is initiated and supported by the SACS and implemented
through multi-sectoral collaboration, particularly using the services of cadre officers
of the State?s NSS. The club is proposed to be established in every college to provide
youth with access to information on HIV/AIDS and voluntary blood donation. The club
also works towards promotion of life skills to bring about behavioural change among
the youth.
These programs is started in 2007 and plans to cover 100% of the campuses in the
State, through multisectoral collaboration with Educations Dept., NSS and Department
of Youth Affairs.
Its objectives are :
- To reduce new infection among youth by raising their risk perception through awareness
on sex, sexuality and HIV/AIDS
- To induce among youth the spirit to help and support people living with HIV/AIDS.
thereby reducing stigma and discrimination against PLHWAs
- To motivate youth and build their capacity as peer educators and change agents by
developing their skills on leadership negotiation and team building.
- To promote voluntary non remunerated blood donation among youth
Over 22 Red Ribbon Clubs have been formed in various colleges of Chandigarh to create
and provide opportunity to the zeal of volunteerism among youth to contribute in
controlling and preventing the further spread of HIV/AIDS.