An ART Centre is being run in PGIMER, Chandigarh since Jan. 2005. This provides
free treatment and counselling to People living with HIV/AIDS. The location of the
ART Centre is as below:
Room No. 2021, B-Block, Second Floor, New O.P.D Complex, PGIMER, Sec- 12, U.T.,
Phone no. 0172-2747857, 2756979
The ART Centre provides the following facilities free of cost for People living
- Identifying eligible persons with HIV/AIDS requiring ART (Antiretroviral Therapy)
through Laboratory services (CD 4 counts and Baseline investigations which are also
being done free of cost).
- Providing ART drugs free of cost to eligible persons with HIV/AIDS continuously.
- Providing counseling services before and during treatment for ensuring drug adherence.
- Diagnosing and treating opportunistic infections.
- Educating persons and escorts on nutritional requirements, hygiene and measures
to prevent transmission of infections.
- Referring patients requiring specialized services or admission.
- Facilitating PLHIVs to access available resources provided by Govt. and NGO agencies.
ART refers to the Anti Retroviral Treatment which is given to HIV+ individuals,
when found eligible for treatment. These drugs improve the immunity of an HIV+ individual
and thus prevent repeated Opportunistic infections from occurring. Thus, these drugs
help in improving the quality of life and increasing the lifespan of the patient.
However, it is important that once these drugs are initiated, they should be continued
life ? long, on a regular basis.
The ART Centre in Chandigarh has registered a total of 6536 patients since its inception
(till Dec. 2011), of which 4320 patients have been started on ART, many of whom
have now been transferred in newly built centres in nearby states.. At present a
total of 2103 patients are alive and taking regular ART from this centre. Among
these patients, 210 are children. These children attend the Pediatric Clinic at
Advance Pediatric Centre, PGIMER.
The ART Centre is linked to two Link ART Centres - One located in Ropar and the
other in Ambala.
The In-charges of the ART Centre are as below:
Dr. Subhash Varma,
Prof. & Head,
Deptt. of Internal Medicine PGIMER, Chd.
Dr. Aman Sharma,
Asst. Prof. Deptt. of Internal Medicine,