
Advertisement for post of ICTC Counselor and ICTC lab Technician

Applications are invited for the following posts in ART Centre and CoE in HIV care purely on Contract basis as per National AIDS Control Organization (NACO)

Applications are invited for the post of Data Analyst at COE PGIMER

Applications are invited for two posts of Medical Officer on contractual basis for Antiretroviral Therapy Centre (ART Centre), under the aegis of Chandigarh State AIDS Control Society, UT, Chandigarh
Applications are invited for the vacancy of Laboratory Technician in BSD Division

Applications are invited for the vacancy of Laboratory Technician in a NACO funded HIV Viral Load laboratory

Applications are invited for the post of Blood Bank Laboratory Technician and Blood Bank Counselor

Applications are invited for the post of Procurement Assistant

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Applications are invited for the post of Procurement Assistant

Applications are invited for the post of ICTC Counselor

Applications are invited for the post of ICTC Laboratory Technician on yearly contract basis

Applications are invited for the post ICTC counselor on yearly contract basis

Application are invited for the following post on contractual basis for Antiretroviral Therapy Centre, under the aegis of Chandigarh state AIDS Control Society, UT, Chandigarh on or before 07-01-2021 till 12:00 noon