HIV/AIDS & TB. Sensitization Workshop for inmates of Model Jail Burail, Chandigarh on the occasion of World TB Day 2013
Chandigarh State AIDS control Society conducted a T.B. and HIV/AIDS Sensitizing workshop in collaboration with RNTCP, Chandigarh on March 23th, 2013 in the premises of jail. A group of 800 inmates and 40 employees of jail warder and other staff learned about the prevention of T.B. and HIV in the Workshop. The inmates of the jail were told about the ABC formula of HIV prevention and were also motivated for voluntary blood donation. |
One Day HIV/AIDS Awareness Workshop for Safai karamcharies of Chandigarh
Chandigarh SACS has been working with different societies and communities to bring general population under the umbrella of HIV/AIDS awareness. In this line, one awareness workshop for Safai karamcharies of Chandigarh was conducted on 25th March 2013 in the auditorium of Bal Bhawan, Sector 23, Chandigarh in which 230 safai karmacharies of various sectors participated. It was the 2nd program for the segment of population. The first one was conducted on 22th march which was chaired by Director Health Services. |
- HIV/AIDS awareness Sensitization Workshop for Air Force Personnel
- HIV /AIDS Sensitization programme for the sikh religious leaders of Chandigarh
- International AIDS Candlelight Memorial held on May 15th, 2011
- HIV /AIDS Mainstreaming of employees of Banking Sector of Chandigarh
- HIV/AIDS Sensitization program for the Nontraditional condom depot Holders and HRGs
- HIV/AIDS awareness Sensitization Workshop for Transport workers
- HIV /AIDS Mainstreaming of hostel Students of Punjab University, Chandigarh
- Mainstreaming for HIV /AIDS of the CRPF, Hallo Majra, Chandigarh.
- HIV /AIDS Mainstreaming for the Employees of CTU, Chandigarh.
- HIV/AIDS Sensitization of Municipal Councilors, Municipal Corporation Chandigarh