Chandigarh has a population of 10.54 lakh(Census 2010). Density of population is
9252 persons per Sq. Km. Sex ratio in population is 818 females per thousand males.
The percentage of population residing in urban areas is 89.8% as compared to the
rural population (10.2%). The literacy rate in the area is 81.9%.
Adult HIV Prevalence in Chandigarh has decreased from 0.5% in 2003 to 0.25 % in
2006. and has remained at 0.25% till date.
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Facts & Figures
The newly proposed Community Care Centre is located at Khuda Ali Sher which is approximately
1 km from the ART Centre located at PGI. The Drop-In center is located in Sector-15
which is approximately half a km from PGI.